Monday, March 2, 2009

Jokes, Riddles and Prinella

I had forgotten how much jokes and riddles had played a part of my childhood until Ella started dabbling in the art of joke-making. She's five so I find myself laughing at a lot of things that just aren't very funny. But every once in a while she hits on one that works (all of which escape me as I write this). What I want to share with you is something fromt the conference that I recently attended. They had a joke box. We were to submit something that a children's book character could've revealed on Oprah. For example, Margaret says "Hello God, what's with the hot flashes?" Or, Cinderella reveals "I had my stepmother killed." (that's from my friend, Ken)

My challenge to you is to use the comments to post: The Facebook status of a children's book character. And for that, I'm sharing with you a link to Pride and Prejudice done as Facebook status.

Speaking of jokes, we last left Prinella and friends, with the number six that is actually part of a riddle, which is: Why was Six afraid of Seven?

Because 7, 8, 9. Off the kids went to find something with the number 9 on it. Sure enough, they emerge with a box with a glittery number 9 on it. They open the box to reveal a treasure chest. They try the key and the wand.
“The key doesn’t fit,” said Bella. “And, the wand isn’t working?”
"Uh-oh, I think this cold made my head fuzzy," hacks Elemenopeo. "I thought it would work but maybe, cough, cough, I was thinking of our other not-s0-secret hiding place with the super duper whopper stopper lock. It’s impossible to get into that. All that work for nothing…boo, hoo, hoo…”

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